Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Lost & Found Video Night Volume 1

Lost and Found Video Night Colume 1 is a brilliant example of a mixtape done well. It combines clips that make you go "uhh, what?" in so many different ways. It features some of my favourite clips of all time, including the Metallica Drummer!
Anything that starts with Metallica Drummer is alright by me. Though, I'm not a fan of Metallica at all, this dude is badass in every sense of the word. You get all these people playing air guitar who think they are being amusing, but very few people who play air drums. This guy takes the air drums to a level that has never been seen before. He has it all set out perfectly. Its like he can see the drum kit in front of him, you need to see this guy actually struggle to reach part of his invisible kit. Amazing stuff.
He's got some mad furniture too.  
If air drums and Crispin Glover singing about clowns isn't you your liking, worry not, This mixtape has a lot more to offer you. Clips from some of the best decades of television as well as some somewhat obscure cinematic masterpieces. But nothing compares to the crazy Steve Vai fan who spends a few minutes queefing, hoping to draw his attention. Somehow, she thought that sending such a video of herself to the man himself would win her the love of one of the greatest guitarists of all time. This video is hard to sit through, and, spoiler alert, we see her more than once throughout the tape. So don't rest too easy once the awkward clip ends.
She's not crazy, honest!
Truth is, there are so many amazing clips in this tape that it is impossible to talk about them all. All of the ones I mentioned so far are at the start of the mixtape, and the clips directly following them are still worth a mention. Whoever put this one together really has a knack for finding the best clips available. A bunch of female wrestlers singing about equality, Mr T talking about being somebody, people with downs syndrome dancingto metal are some of the amazing things you will see which add to this already music filled adventure. Perhaps the people who put this together were more fond of music than anything else? I mean, by 30 minutes, you've seen maybe two or three clips that aren't more focused on the music or a musical artist. To be fair though, pathetic musicians, bad karaoke and terrible songs are pretty much the funniest things you can find.
It simply wouldn't be a mixtape without Japan's contributions to insanity Octopus stealing stuff from a giant... Catfish or something? I don't know. Nor will you. It looks like a kids show but... Are they smoking something? Dunno. Amusing though.
From here, things decsend into utter madness. Clips from... I don't actually know where, but astounding stuff. Almost enough to recruit you into a cult, followed by some disgustingly huge breasts with some Japanese man groping them on a stage (with permission of course). Then Japanese ads for celebrities like KISS and Madonna... It really has everything. Have I even mentioned Bollywood yet? Because it has some brilliant Bollywood clips to, including a favourite film of mine, Don. Its about a mob boss who "dies" but comes back. Its amazing, and actually a very cool story, I'm not sure whether or not there is a Western equivalent, but to be honest, Don is do good there doesn't need to be.
Bollywood is where the REAL films are made
We see a good number of obscure clips in this one, and they really make you wonder "why?" for the entire hour and twenty minutes. Why would someone think of this? Why did that person then decide it was a good idea to turn it into a film? These are questions you wont find answers to here, or in the mixtape. But that should only encourage you to dive deeper into the world of Lost and Found Video Night Volume 1.
A thing I really like about this mixtape is that the clips seem to last awkwardly long when they don't really need to. The clips that will disturb you the most are the ones that drag on as long as they can, making it an incredibly uncomfortable watch for some people. But, again, its not amongst the most insane of the mixtapes. That's not to say it isn't good, it really is incredible. It even has foreign Star Wars (the Star Wars clips are borrowed, which is whats most amusing about it). Also, I may be wrong, but I think I saw a literal bear trying to have sex with a girl as she ran away. So it is a little insane. But everything will be okay, Crispin Glover is going to kick the world back in line!
Master of all martial arts!
This mixtape has a lot to offer on the front of weird clips. And it is probably a good place to head after watching the mixtape I posted last week, the Forbidden Transmission Drinking Game when introducing people to mixtapes. It features at least one clip that was already featured in a mixtape I reviewed, however it is longer here. Wheelchair kung fu fight.
It has some insanity, quite a lot of humour, and is a reasonably high qualuty mixtape. It is up there with the best as far as music clips go, and isn't so porn filled that you would feel awkward putting it on in a crowded room (if you would feel awkward doing that, you need to watch more mixtapes in crowded rooms). We finish off where we begin, with metallica drummer, which is a very nice way to conclude a great mixtape. Anyone not yet fully engulfed in the world of mixtapes will leave this one with a real sense of having learned something, and that something is whether or not they are ready to move onto a more intense challenge.
Absolutely perfect for teenagers, like this guy.
I guess it is time to rate this one. This is probably the easiest part of writing these reviews, so I should probably try to make it more difficult. Any suggestions? Well, for now, let's do this.

Lost and Found Video Night got some amazing music clips that are truly funny. There are quite a few awkward moments in this one, some are funny awkward, others are just the moments where you should be drunk and having a conversation during in order to let the mixtape move on itself. The funny awkward moments are classics, but the other ones are just sort of... bad. But I guess that is the point. I'll rate it three tubby kids out of five.

Somewhere between homosexual doll sex involving a drill and a naked man attached to a cord flying through the air as people laugh at him, this one gets reasonably insane. It would be hard to rate it highly based on some of the other things I've seen, but it still isn't anything to show your emotionally unstable friend. Let's say, three out of five Ottos.
QualityThis one is of a fairly high quality. It's quite clear, but there are a few volume shifts that probably could have been fixed up during the editing phase. These are quite noticable, especially if you are watching in a quiet room at night time. I don't know about you, but I'm not a fan of adjusting the volume. Let's give this one a three out of five broken vhs tapes, as at least the footage is of a good quality.

So with that said, there isn't much more I have to add. This is a good mixtape, it can be a lot of fun to show it at a party once all of the lame guests leave. Also, that stoner friend of yours might get a kick out of it at some point. I would totally recommend this one for those two reasons, and if you are looking for something to kill 90 minutes, there are few better ways. Isn't that right, Mr T?
If you not somebody, you somebody's fool.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Forbidden Transmission Drinking Game Mixtape

Everyone loves a good drinking game, and everybody loves Forbidden Transmission. So it was only natural that the guys behind Forbidden Transmission decided to put together a mixtape that encourages you to get really drunk before the next mixtape starts.
A glass of bubbly represents the classier way to enjoy this mixtape
The rules of this drinking game are as simple as they come. When the screen says drink, you drink. You can drink as much or as little as you want, though I would recomment you coming prepared with something strong. Make it a real competition. Whiskey, vodka, or for the more daring, ouzo... Or maybe a comination of a lot of different alcohol! If you remember the whole thing the first time you watch it, you have failed. Honestly, it took me around 30 rounds of playing to actually remember each individual clip, and a lot of them are still very hazy.

The kinds of clips you are treated to in this mixtape are pretty standard. There's no hardcore pornography or anything in it, but there is a bit of nudity. You'll be treated to some cheesy clips like Godzilla vs Mecha Godzilla and Vanilla Ice's Go Ninja, Go rap from that Ninja Turles live action film (that was also incredible)

You know what? Maybe just watch this film instead.
But that's not all you get when you subject your friends to this drinking game. Oh no! See, while seeing a guy who's legs were amputated in a kung foo movie and listening to some incredible power metal by Thor is absolutely a brilliant way to spend an evening, the game has a way of making you not want to drink when it tells you to drink. You are treated to some truly remarkable images along the journey, that start out simple. The first drink card is easy mode, without a doubt, while some of the others are... Well, I want to say better but I'll let you be the judge:
He'll drink to that!
For the most part, there isn't much in this mixtape that would be considered to be as obscure as a lot of the other mixtapes that are out there, but that isn't necessarily a drawback. See, some people prefer to start their friends off easy to gather their reactions to the less crazy stuff before they send them into a downward spiral of madness (not me, I usually start people off with Crazy Dave; but more on those guys later). This mixtape is absolutely perfect for that.
You'll probably still hear them ask "what the fuck did I just see?" fomr anyone who hasn't been exposed to mixtapes before, but it wont be even remotely as severe as it could be. Hell, once the figure it out, they'll probably be lulled into a false sense of security that they will probably regret later on when they have their head in the toilet with a concoction of red wine and vomit covering the floor and walls (yep, I'm guilty as charged of that one).

This dude from Slime City understands how I felt 
Now, everyone has a certain clip that they remember most (if you ask my brother he'll say something about E.T. being violated, but don't listen to him. He's crazy.), and this mixtape has a couple, but so as to not spoil too much more of the mixtape for you, I'll only post about one. I'm not sure where this clip came from, but it is absolutely amazing. It's probably from a documentary.
Anyway, we are seeing a bunch of metal fans standing outside a venue yelling and screaming metal fans do. They jump around, headbang, raise their arms like the Nazis did and scream incoherently about the amazing music they are about to listen to and all in all look to be having a very special time. This is kind of a funny sight in of itself, but there's something else about this clip that just makes it special.
Look at them, Thor would be proud.
In the above screenshot you can see a man standing in the background who just looks out of place, even though he is wearing dark colours like the rest of the people in the crowd. He's notable for not making any sounds whatsoever or moving very much. He simply stares in the general direction of the camera with a completely disconnected look on his face. He's either having a very good time, or a very bad time. I can't see much middle ground in this one.
This guy is absolutely hilarious to watch throughout, even though he doesn't seem to actually do anything. I guess its to do with how much he differs from the crowd, and no, I'm not talking about the colour of his skin. Even the camera man noticed how out of place and funny this guy looks compared to the rest of the crowd and decided to zoom in on him. After all, he's easily the most interesting thing going on in this scene, because we all know metal heads are going to be hyperactive when there's a camera in the mix.
Is that James Franco back there?
His face suggests one of two things. He's on something, or he's bipolar and isn't sure if he actually wants to go to a metal show. I try to give the man some credit and imagine the latter is the case, in which I assume that after the clip he went home to his nice, clean apartment and slept the night away, but the truth is he probably forgot what he was doing and returned to his cardboard box for the night after scrounging some dumpsters for food. Well, okay, that's incredibly rude of me to say, so how's this. He probably went into the show with his metal head friends and had a banging time. He is the king of the mosh pits.
Want proof? Surely this will do?
Rock on Crazy Hobo Dude. Rock on.
And that is the last we see of this man, but not the last great clip in this mixtape. In fact, they save the best clip for last, as a way to congratulate you for lasting all the way to the end, and at less than 40 minutes long that can't be too hard, right?
So really, get your friends together and play this hilariously fun drinking game as soon as you can. You'll only sort of regret it. How do I rate this mixtape?

This mixtape is fairly funny, you'll get a fair number of laughs out of it, especially as intoxication takes effect. With that said, being a brilliant way to start an evening, it will get people talking and laughing regardless of their moods. So, I give it four out of five tubby kids

Overall this one isn't overly insane, but I think that's the point. This mixtape is probably the perfect one for someone who has never seen a mixtape before, so for that reason alone it wont score highly here. Getting you drunk is its only purpose, which give it at least some bonus points, so I would rate it two "Otto"s out of five.

A very high quality mixtape. Probably amongst the top mixtapes for quality, it feels like a proper mixtape even though it isn't your standard mixtape. I would give this one a five out of five broken vhs tapes.

By now I hope you are wondering where you can get this mixtape. I recall this one being fairly popular, so it really shouldn't be too hard to locate online, however if you do have problems, my email address is in the info bar!

Anyway, that's all from me, until next time, keep circulating the tapes!